Victory Christian Ministries International - St. Mary's CAMPUS
see + hear + understand
Sundays: 10am | Thursday: 7:30pm
21905 Chancellors Run Road
Great Mills, MD 20634
Membership Care Ministry

Mission & Values
Membership Care shares God’s heart and Victory’s passion for being “all about people” with individuals and families experiencing significant life events – births, baptisms, hospitalization, life-altering illness, death and bereavement support. Our ministry staff and trained volunteers handles initial care and follow up. The goal of Membership Care is that every person in the Victory family and the community receives a relational touch when navigating through significant life events.
Pre-marital Enrichment Advice (Online Application)
At VCMI, it is our conviction that we are responsible before God to do the best we can to prepare couples for the joys, demands and responsibilities of marriage. We have confidence that the marriages we perform will be blessed by God because we are completely committed to God’s standards and His best, rather than to do what might be convenient for others and ourselves. There is a necessity for practical preparation for the many adjustments that will take place in marriage. Therefore, the premarital sessions are designated as preventative advice and instruction given to aid the development of healthy, happy, and well-balanced Christian homes.
Click here to for the Pre-Marital Questionnaire.
Click here for Pre-Marital Advice Application.
Click here for Premarital Enrichment Completion & Recommendation Form.
Water Baptism (Online Application)
“When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun!”. When a person is baptized, it represents his or her identification with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. It is an outward symbol of a person's inner faith and decision to be a committed Christ-follower. The choice to be baptized is made by a "believer," and is a public profession of his or her faith in Christ. CLICK HERE TO GO TO WATER BAPTISM PAGE.
Baby Dedication (Online Application)
As Christians, there is tremendous responsibility given to us when the Lord blesses us with a child. He entrusts us with the responsibility of bringing up that child in the ways of the Lord and establishing early in his/her life a foundation built upon Jesus Christ. It is this responsibility that causes us to think of baby dedications as “family dedications.” We feel that the whole family unit needs to be lifted up to the Lord so that each member will be able to keep his or her commitment. CLICK HERE TO GO TO BABY DEDICATION PAGE.